CD117/c-kit: Products

"CD117/c-kit" has 47 results in Products.
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Human Luminex® Discovery Assay

Human/Mouse CD117/c-kit Antibody

8 Images
CyTOF-ready, Dual ISH-IHC, Flow, IHC, Simple Western, WB

Human CD117/c-kit Antibody

4 Images
B/N, CyTOF-ready, Flow, IHC, Simple Western, WB

Proteome Profiler Human Phospho-RTK Array Kit

Contains 4 membranes - each spotted in duplicate with 49 different RTK antibodies

Mouse CD117/c-kit Antibody

1 Image
CyTOF-ready, Flow, IHC, WB

Human CD117/c-kit Antibody

3 Images
B/N, CyTOF-ready, ELISA(Cap), Flow, Simple Western, WB

SU 5416

VEGFR inhibitor. Also inhibits KIT, RET, MET and FLT3

Human CD117/c-kit Antibody

2 Images
IHC, Simple Western, WB

Human CD117/c-kit Biotinylated Antibody

ELISA(Det), Flow, WB

Imatinib mesylate

Potent and selective v-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitor; also inhibits PDGFR and c-kit

Ki 20227

c-Fms inhibitor; suppresses osteolysis and osteoclast accumulation

AC 710

Potent and selective PDGFR family inhibitor

KG 5

PDGFRβ, B-Raf, c-Raf, FLT3 and KIT inhibitor

Vatalanib succinate

Potent VEGFR inhibitor; also aromatase inhibitor


Potent colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF-1R) tyroine kinase inhibitor

Proteome Profiler Mouse Phospho-RTK Array Kit

Contains 4 membranes - each spotted in duplicate with 39 different RTK antibodies

Proteome Profiler Human Ubiquitin Array

Contains 4 membranes-each spotted in duplicate with 49 different antibodies to ubiquitin target proteins
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