Additional RTK Inhibitors: Products

"Additional RTK Inhibitors" has 23 results in Products.
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SU 5416

VEGFR inhibitor. Also inhibits KIT, RET, MET and FLT3

Ki 20227

c-Fms inhibitor; suppresses osteolysis and osteoclast accumulation

DDR1-IN-1 dihydrochloride

Selective DDR1 inhibitor


Potent CSF-1R inhibitor

Sunitinib malate

Potent VEGFR, PDGFRβ and KIT inhibitor

AC 710

Potent and selective PDGFR family inhibitor

KG 5

PDGFRβ, B-Raf, c-Raf, FLT3 and KIT inhibitor

SPP 86

Potent RET inhibitor

XL 184

Potent VEGFR inhibitor; also inhibits other RTKs

LCB 03-0110 dihydrochloride

Potent c-SRC kinase inhibitor; also inhibits DDR2, BTK and Syk

GW 2580

Selective cFMS kinase inhibitor; orally bioavailable


Potent and selective DDR1 inhibitor; orally bioavailable

UNC 2881

Potent Mer kinase inhibitor

BAY 826

Potent Tie2 inhibitor

ZAP 180013

Zap70 inhibitor; inhibits interaction with ITAMs


Potent and selective dual inhibitor of the IGF-1 receptor and insulin receptor


Potent and selective RET inhibitor


Potent colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF-1R) tyroine kinase inhibitor

VU 6015929

Potent and selective discoidin domain receptor 1/2 inhibitor


Potent inhibitor of PDGFRβ, KDR, FLT3 and CSF-1R

AZD 4547

Potent and selective FGFR inhibitor

WS 6

Induces growth and proliferation of pancreatic islet cells, murine totipotent stem cells, GABAergic neurons and hippocampal neurons

AZ 14145845

Dual Mer/Axl inhibitor
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