Fatty Acid Synthase/FASN: Products

"Fatty Acid Synthase/FASN" has 7 results in Products.
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Human Fatty Acid Synthase/FASN Antibody

3 Images
KO, Simple Western, WB

Human Fatty Acid Synthase/FASN Antibody

2 Images
Simple Western, WB

C 75

Potent fatty acid synthase inhibitor; proapoptotic


Pancreatic, gastric and carboxylester lipase inhibitor; antiobesity and antihypercholesterolemic activity

GSK 2194069

Potent human fatty acid synthase (hFASN) inhibitor

Proteome Profiler Human Ubiquitin Array

Contains 4 membranes-each spotted in duplicate with 49 different antibodies to ubiquitin target proteins
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